Twin screw extruder technology related problems
Source: Time: 2018-11-17 13:53:08
Twin-screw extruder service provider Nanjing Jie Ente Electromechanical Co., Ltd. said that the twin-screw extruder has developed rapidly under the premise of economic development. More and more industries need to use twin-screw extruders. To achieve the higher requirements of plastic products, China's major plastic machine manufacturers realized the importance of plastic products, many companies joined the development of more efficient plastic machine equipment camp.
Experts from twin-screw service provider Nanjing Jieente Electromechanical Co., Ltd. said that the structure of today's twin-screw extruder system varies according to the application field and operating characteristics. According to the steering, it is divided into counter-rotation and co-rotation, and the meshing is performed. The form is divided into an engaging type and a non-engaging type, and the engaging type is further divided into a fully engaged type and a partially engaged type.
Experts from the single-screw service provider Nanjing Jie Ente Electromechanical Co., Ltd. said that we will introduce the technical problems related to twin-screw extruders:
1. Increasing the residence time of the material in the devolatilization section and increasing the length of the devolatilization section can improve the devolatilization efficiency. For this reason, it is considered to increase the length of the exhaust section and adopt multi-stage exhaust in the screw structure design.
2. Properly reducing the feeding amount can reduce the filling rate of the exhaust section and increase the devolatilization efficiency; but the too low feeding amount not only reduces the extrusion amount and causes fluctuation, but also is insufficient to form a melting because the filling rate is too low. The pool reduces the efficiency of foaming and devolatilization, so the amount of feed must be moderate.
3, improve the screw speed, is conducive to bubble formation, growth and rupture, is conducive to reducing the material fill length in the groove, enhance the material quality transfer surface renewal effect, can improve the devolatilization efficiency; but too high speed, make the material The residence time in the devolatilization section is drastically reduced, and the devolatilization efficiency is rather decreased.